Associate Specialist in Estate Planning (ASEP)
Applicant must meet all of the stipulated Qualifying Criteria listed below:
Minimum 2 years of practical work experience in the financial services industry.
Successfully completed the “Practical Estate Planning” training programs by Wealth College.
Passed the “Practical Estate Planning” Examination by Wealth College.
Possess one other industry related qualification (refer to Application Form for list of qualifications).
Terms & Conditions
Successful applicant must abide by the Code of Conduct & Ethics of a financial services practitioner under the licensing of the Monetary Authority of Singapore
Fees paid are non-refundable in the event the application is rejected for failing to meet the Qualifying Criteria.
One-time Certification fee for Lifetime use is payable upon application. There is no yearly renewal.
Successful applicants shall use the letters, ASEP after their names in business cards and communication tools.
The processing time is 2-4 weeks. Certificate will be delivered by special mail to the address provided. Applicant shall bear the subsequent courier fees for any wrong address or changes in delivery requirements.
Submission of application form and e-document
Applicants must submit all required documents and details upon application; progressive submission is not acceptable. If any document or detail is missing, the application is invalid and will not be processed.
All e-documents must be in PDF version (images/pictures will be rejected).
Screenshot image of e-payment transaction must be submitted as proof of remittance.
Instructions on "How to Submit" are published on page 2 of Application Form.
Important Note: It is serious breach of professional ethics to use the ASEP designation without formal application and approval of the Certification Body. In the event of such breach, your employer and the licensing authority will be notified.